fay shelton

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

mercadillo BeGreen

Estoy colaborando con la organización del Mercadillo BeGreen que va a tener lugar el 11 de diciembre en el Bar del Convent de Sant Agusti en Barcelona.

La verdad, estoy muy ilusionada porque a parte de ser una cosa útil (productos ecológicos, artesanales y ropa/ jugetes/ productos infantiles de segunda mano) me parece que va a ser una tarde mágica y bella.

También tendremos talleres y charlas: sobre plantas medicinales y terapias naturales - todo gratuito.

Estoy especialmente ilusionada con la participación de The Clorofilas (Jeanette con sus nuevas creaciones que son una pasada) y Nico Osuna, que hace una esculturas colgantes muy bellas y delicadas.

Bueno, watch this space for more info. Hope you can all join us!!!


miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

tienda del mes en CaosMagazine

estamos en la sección de shopping, destacados como tienda del mes. gracias a todo el equipo de CaosMagazine!

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

salmon off the menu

Últimamente al comer salmón, tanto en casa como en restaurantes, el sabor desagradable y la textura grasienta me han llamado la atención. Antes el salmón era un pescado fino y ligero que seducía por su sabor delicado, ahora hasta en el aspecto se puede comprobar una sustancia gelatinosa entre la carne color salmón. Investigando un poco he encontrado noticias que me han provocado un shock tremendo.
La Salmonicultura no es una novedad, ni aquellos que no estaban informados se sorprenderan, lo que sí me ha provocado un asco profundo son las condiciones en las que estos peces "viven":
  • el espacio disponible es muy reducido y los peces viven en agua contaminada por sus propios desechos
  • el salmón, en estas condiciones, es un huésped ideal para enfermedades y parasitos, entre otros los piojos
  • para las enfermedades de los peces se utilizan grandes cantidades de antibioticos y pesticidas
  • los piojos se estan haciendo inmunes contra los pesticidas
  • toda esta contaminación esta expandiendose en el mar, especies silvestres y también al ser humano por el consumo de salmón
  • cada año escapan cerca de 3 millones de peces, en consequencia, los salmones silvestres estan en peligro

martes, 20 de julio de 2010

strawberries in a jar

delicious and easy to make strawberry jam recipe:
1kg organic strawberries
aprox. 400g organic brown "panela" sugar
1 organic lemon
2 coffee spoons agar agar

whatever the quantity of strawberries - cleaned, cut and hulled - use a bit less than half the amount of sugar, depending how sweet you like it. place the strawberries in tray, with the grated peel of one lemon and a squeeze of juice over it, then pour sugar on top, until fully covered.
leave in fridge for at least a couple of hours, i leave it for a day.
then pour the content of the tray into a saucepan. bring to boil, remove froth, boil on low heat for about half an hour. pour in agar agar slowly stiring it in.
put boiling water in the jars and let dry for a bit on a clean cloth. spoon in the jam to the top, close and turn on it's head. leave for about 10' - 15' minutes.
finished and delicious.

let the snail be with you.


I really recommend the latest Food Progamm on Belfast's culinary revolution. The council has been investing public money to create a thriving gastronomy in the city, which before was unexistant. Belfast Bred, for exampl, is a walking and eating tour based on this new "foody culture": fun, entertaining, original and delicious.
But the real implications are so much more far reaching: what I mean, and I won't stop rallying about it, is that there are so many ways to create a prosperous economy based on sustainable and longterm values such as agriculture, small businesses and excellent LOCAL quality.

It's not difficult to understand is it? One doesn't need to be an economist or a politician to see the logic in it. One doesn't need much to understand that these would be the foundations for a solid economy based on local people, elements and crafts. This is the basis of culture - anywhere you go, it can be found - and it needs to be pruned, watered and looked after for it to flourish into a beautiful, healthy plant that will give back plenty and more.
Of course, I'm talking from the point of view of Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain - and no, I won't start going into all that is wrong with this place, but we should make a move away from tourism and construction - or in the long term it will destroy us.
....let the snail be with you!

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

love and food

La comida es "el descanso de las tareas, liberación para
los cuidados y nutrición del genio; es demonstración de
amor y esplendor, alimento de la buena voluntad,
condimento de la amistad, levadura de la gracia y solaz de
la vida".
Marsilio Ficino.

Just discovered this Italian philosopher (1433-1499) reading, once again, Connie Palmens
The Laws, which I highly recommend. In the book he is referenced as having said that you can only start to think once you have truely and deeply loved. Isn't that wonderful? To link thought and love really speaks to me...and No, this is not to say that stupid people can't love or something in that direction. To me it just means that to explore and analyse life and humanity you have had to feel the depth and extasy of love.

I couldn't find the quote which it refers to in the book but found the one I listed above, which obviously also made me tilt.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Inauguramos este blog, desde nuestra sede central en la Calle Flor de Lliri 4.
Allí nos podreís visitar en persona y conocernos.

First blog entry. Not every entry is going to be translated, lucky those of you who understand both spanish and english.
It's nearly 5pm, must go and open the shop: BeOrganic @ Carrer Flor del Lliri 4, Barcelona. Come, meet and greet us - if ya like.