La comida es "el descanso de las tareas, liberación para
los cuidados y nutrición del genio; es demonstración de
amor y esplendor, alimento de la buena voluntad,
condimento de la amistad, levadura de la gracia y solaz de
la vida". Marsilio Ficino.
Just discovered this Italian philosopher (1433-1499) reading, once again, Connie Palmens The Laws, which I highly recommend. In the book he is referenced as having said that you can only start to think once you have truely and deeply loved. Isn't that wonderful? To link thought and love really speaks to me...and No, this is not to say that stupid people can't love or something in that direction. To me it just means that to explore and analyse life and humanity you have had to feel the depth and extasy of love.
I couldn't find the quote which it refers to in the book but found the one I listed above, which obviously also made me tilt.
Si sera demostracion de Amor, que cuando nos encontramos con algun ser querido nuestra frase final siempre es "Venite a casa a comer algo y.. " lo que sea me contas , te cuento etc, Lo importante compartir esa comida con amigos un abrazo Claudio